Monday, September 12, 2011

Current Trends and Forecasting class <3

Sooo...I am back :) Today was ofically my LAST FIRST day of college!! (finally) I just wanted to talk a real quick about my first fashion class of senior year Current Trends and Forecasting, since my blog is pretty much about trends, i plan on sharing the things i learn...sounds pretty cool huh? yupp it is ;) 

ANYWAY, lets start with my awesome teacher Christopher (he worked for Dior...yes THE Dior) I can tell he is going to be a pretty tough one, but it is going to be such an experience in his class! When i first met my new teacher, he walked into the room speaking FRENCH, I was thinking ohhh boy this is going to be fun... lol Well enough about that I am SURE there will be plenty of things to talk about from this class over the next 10 weeks. I will sure to keep you updated.

Now just a quote for the day "Fashion means Change"---Christopher

Ill be sure to keep you updated at LEASE once a week :)