Friday, April 29, 2011

Summer Time = Cute Bathing Suits!!
Daisy dukes, bikinis on top! Sunkissed skin, So hot we'll melt your popsicle! 
yes chickas, Summer is here!! Time to rack up on really cute swim suits :) The first place I always think of for bathing suits is obviously VictoriasSecret, they have a huge variety of colors, styles, and brands. This season it's all about making a statement, bright colors, bold prints, and SPARKLES! You can practically mix anything together now days and it works! 

The swimsuit above is by Ed Hardy, who I'm not that crazy about, because Most of his stuff is pretty crazy and out their but I have to admit this suit is actually pretty cute. It has a lot of pattern and bright colors as well, which is hot right now! A couple other main trends for summer 2011 are the one piece, high waisted, and suits with eye catching details like brooches. I personally am really digging on the one piece bathing suits! I know what your thinking, they are so boring and show no skin...Well think again!! One piece bathing suits can be way hotter than the typical two piece...check this out!
Ralph Lauren

You can find this sexy one piece at Nordstrom for $107!! This is a cute yet sexy bathing suit with the cut outs and all of the lace, One of my favorite bathing suits this season. Also I'm all about bringing back the 50's with the high wasted cute!! I mean honestly who doesn't want to dress like Marilyn Monroe?! We are bringing back the hottest trends from some of the biggest celebrity icons of all times! 

Before I go there is a picture I must post! My all time favorite Bikini Poster and my celebrity Icon...

ahhh yes Farrah Fawcett <3 OK guys happy summer  GO GET YOUR TAN ON!!!!!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Braids, Braids, and MORE Braids!!!

Braids HAVE to be the new spring/summer hair style, they just have to be!! Dress em up dress em down! There are so many different types of braids and you can wear all of those braids in different ways, and it literally looks good on everyone. You can even dress them up with a cute hat! (remember i'm trying to bring the big hat back ;) )

Braids are good for all different types of occassians, especially the beach!! It's quick and easy to do so i hope to see everyone sporting some braids!!

Bringing back the big hat...ohhhh yeaaa roommate and I have decided to yes "bring back the big hat" I mean come on they are so adorable and you don't HAVE to be at a horse show to rock one!! Sporting this look is a bold fashion move, it really makes a statement about your style. I can tell you right now that its going to be a huge trend this spring/summer, ESPECIALLY for those trips to the beach!!

While i was doing re-search on celebrities and the big hat, I happened to find a picture of Heidi Montag showing off a huge bright pink hat with a flirty floral printed dress (you may not like her, BUT she IS rocking the big hat trend) I think Montag is a really good example of a stylish trend, it's not over whelming, but attracts the right kind of attention!

If you are not that comfortable with standing out in a crowd (because you will if your sporting a floppy hat) start with the fadora hat, they are cute and fashionable. Thats what i did... :)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Polish Addicts?
Nail Polish Trends Spring/Summer 2011

So lately I have been seeing some crazy nails going on, but when I looked at the hottest colors for spring/summer 2011 there were only cool pastel colors...which don't get me wrong those are the perfect colors for easter time! JK, but really now... should spice it up a little...RIGHT?

I don't know if you have seen Katy Perry's new line of nail polish for O.P.I, but everyone should check it out. It's really easy to do yourself and creates a pattern every single time. You don't have to worry about the hassel of messing up and having to re do it over and over, which happens to me almost every time I try to do my nails myself!! The awesome thing about Perry's polish is you can use any color you want as the base then you apply the crackle polish on would probably serve more justice then me rambling out instructions...

I am all about bright multi colored nails in the summer and crazy designs, but at the moment im sporting just a basic hot pink....on my tips! I find it pretty amazing at all the different things you can do with your nails, and it really is a major fashion statement. Wheather you are in to a certain animal print at the time OR you want someones picture on your nails...yes you can do that, it is possible!! crazy huh?

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Friday, April 15, 2011

Thank you Blair Waldorf for my Headband Obsession...

Ever since GG started I never missed an episode, come monday 8pm, I was right there waiting to here the juicy details of Chuck and Blair's relationship. As much as I loved the drama, I was more interested in the fashion, preferably Blair Waldorf's headbands. I'm not the only person that thinks BW headbands are a outstanding fashion statement, but instyle magazine did an article on her variety of stylish hair accessories. Thanks to BW I now own about 30 different headbands

...I started noticeing more and more celebrities sporting headbands, Lauren Conrad, Mary Kate Olsen, Nicole Richie, and many more!

When you think of headbands you dont nessacarily think about the ones in the photos above but mabye a more simple version with only the basic colors, (the kind you use to hold your hair back while you wash your face) but there are so many different options (some pretty crazy ones as well) They are very good for basic wardrobe options , put on a casual outfit and dress it up with a headband that's going to attract attention! OK so I promise I am almost done with my rant about headbands, but I do feel the need to show my favorite one of all times and believe it or not Blair Waldorf was not the one to wear it ;)
If only i had the courage to sport that around town!!!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

look at her hair!

Being blonde for years I have had trouble keeping my natural colored roots from showing, but lately I have noticed a new trend in hair styles for spring/summer 2011, Everyone seems to have really dark roots and blonde on the ends. (I wish that would have started before I dyed my hair dark brown...) It started with all the female celebrities but now every where I go it seems to be an evolving trend, which I find very fashionable and edgy. There are ways to make it very suttle or it can stand out and be very noticeable depending on your fashion style.

Another fashion trend in hair colors is dyeing your hair crazy bright colors! It's not for the average person, you will have to be a very outgoing person to have the courage to take on this fashion trend! I have seen everything from bright red hair to just a suttle streak of pink. I wish that i could pull this look off but it doesnt really go with my style. I think it's a great look to pull for the summer season! Maybe I will try it as long as it is the kind i can wash out!!!

Men are finally embracing the feminine trends we have been trying to get them to do for years, but how much is too much?

So I have noticed that trends for women and men are merging together, it has become hard to tell a straight man from a gay man! I have been seeing men getting pedicures, maniures, and facials very frequently the past year. I remember when I would beg my guy friends to go with me for mani/pedis and they just were not having it! I guess really we (women) shouldn't complain, I mean we HAVE been waiting years for the day when our boyfriends were asking US to go get mani/pedis, facials, etc with them!

On a quick side note lets talk about makeup, I get my makeup done at MAC often and personally, I think I would rather a male apply it. Everyone should take a trip to the mall and just look around at how fashion for men is evolving I guarantee at every makeup counter you will see at least one male makeup artist. (they are wearing the makeup as well)

I guess it's about time for men to enjoy taking care of their body, but is there a line that should not be crossed? I mean I get it go relax and have your nails done, but should you really get the clear polish as well?

Enough about fashion about the lastest fashion trends for men? We have wedged shoes, skirts, jewelry, and handbags for men to wear. I know that a lot of straight guys, at least where I am from, would never be caught dead in a skirt and especially wouldn't walk around carrying a murse! But it's very much on the fast track to stardum...all men expect us to hold there things when we go out "Hey do you have any chapstick?" or "Will you put this in your bag?" why dont you carry your own bags...all the celebrities are doing it ;)

David Beckham

Gucci Matthew Mcconaughey

A few of my favorite designers are designing mens wear and it looks like the inspiration is coming from womens wear and the same goes for woman. We are wearing "boyfriend jeans" and "mens blazers"

Calvin Klein
All im trying to say is, clearly the line between whats acceptable for mens fashion and womens fashion is dissolving...I think it's great! Guys should be able to wear and do the latest fashions and feel comfortablein it. We are in the 21st Century people!!
I have noticed a lot of new trends for the spring season of 2011, Im going to talk about my three favorite: leopard print, part platform/part wedged shoes, floral prints. I was walking down town in savannah on broughton street and everything i see has leopard print!! Not everyone can pull of a full leopard print dress but I personnal love a little touch of it on shoes, a belt, or even a leopard print cardigan; but wearing to much of it can be over whelming for my taste. In my opinion a grat way to add a little lepard to a classy outfit would be a red pair of shorts, wedged leopard print shoes, and a basic black tee. Simple yet trendy!

Another big spring trend this season is wedged/platform shoes, it's probably my favorite trend of them all because i LOVE shoes! These unique wedges have a very edgy look and are a little more comfortable than regular wedges and are much easier to walk in. Michael Kors has always been my favorite designer, I love how he incorporates creative trends into something classy and sophisticated yet, a very fashionable look. Another one of my very favorite shoe designers is Jeffrey Campbell, he is known for his wild and very out there creations.
Michael Kors

Jeffrey Campbell

Floral prints are also really big for this season. You can wear as much floral as you want and its never too much! Everywhere i go and in all the stores i see floral dresses, floral skirts, shirts, shorts, and even shoes! The patterns are small, sweet and girly, and designers are using pastel colors. This look can be kept simple with a pair of basic flats or wedges, but you can also dress it up with a pair of heels and a solid blazer.

Fashion From the Beginning

Before moving to Savanah, A "big City" from my small town perspective, I followed high end designers who were known for keeping it simple and classy at the same time. Michael Kors for example has and will always be one of my favorite designers. He designs high end clothing that suits my personality, didn't turn hears at my small town school, and made me feel like a fashionable young lady. He will always keep the same asthetic in his designs, because that is what he is known for doing. Other designers like Cole Haan and Vera Wang are what i dreamded of wearing, of course I had to wear designers that were more affordable to my taste such as Bananna Republic, Ralph Lauren, and J. Crew. I never got to crazy with my outfits, the first reason being: I didn't feel comfortable wearing things that other people were not wearing around me, second I was stuck in a bubble, I didn't understand how to mix the lastest fashion trends with out changing my whole style. I'm still working on developing my own style while adding new fashion trends to the mix. "Simple and Classy, yet Fashionable" that's my motto! ;)

My first Day as a Fashion Student at SCAD, i pulled out one of my basic outfits which included: a pair of designer jeans, button down polo (which was tucked in my jeans), black belt, and a classic pair of black pumps. I quickly learned that wasn't exactly the norm here. There were so many different trends, things that i never saw anyone wear back at my high school and from then on i have been on a fashion roller coaster.

Watching my classmates, meeting new people, and traveling to different cities is what has helped me develope my own sense of fashion, i look forward to sharing my fashion ideas, knowledge of designers, and experiences i have had with myself and my peers with putting together looks to go alone with your own style while at the same time adding the latest trends in.